Spring Weather Emergency Preparedness
April 13, 2018: Blizzard Evelyn swept into North Eastern Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula with more than two-feet of snow, closing businesses, churches, and airports. In this image by Lori Scaggs of Menominee Michigan, the street is buried in drifts up to 10...

Emergency Preparedness: Are You Ready?
An Emergency Kit is just one part of an Emergency Preparedness Plan. Are You Ready?Ready for Anything—Like a Global Virus Shutdown You never know what life will throw at you next. Don't be caught like a deer in the headlights. Be Prepared to act no matter what...

The Right Tool for the Job
Most toolkits start with the basics and build up. A simple screwdriver will get most jobs done, but there are many types and sizes to fit various applications. Having the right tool makes jobs easier, less complicated, and less dangerous.Photo by Darren Hester.The...

Square Corners on Anything
A picture frame that lost a staple or other fastener can shift of out square, like the one on the right. The picture doesn't fit and the backing shows through. With some old fashioned math and a new fastener, make this off-kilter frame perfect again. Pencils in a...

Carpenter’s 3-4-5 Rule to Square Corners
A rafter square is great for measuring angles, drawing a straight line across board, or laying out roof framing. The 3 4 5 rule works very well on projects like laying out a deck foundation and frame or making the garden neat and square with 90 degree corners.Photo by...

Live Frugal to Enjoy a Richer Life
One simple change in the way you live could save you up to $2000 a year and add 300 hours of usable time to your life.Photo by Making MillyFrugal isn’t Cheap—Use Your Money and Time Wisely. If your boss offered you a $2000 a year raise and a 7 week paid vacation, and...

Willy the Wonderful Water Dog
"What's Going On?"Willy at sixteen weeks. His first Christmas. Sitting patiently under the tree while Mama takes his picture. Look at those big feet.Photo Credit: Margaret AnnFirst Friday after the first of November, 1996. That morning I picked up a newspaper at the...

About MJ Logan and Willy the Wonderful Water Dog
This is Willy. Those soulful eyes could convey so much. Willy forever changed how I view dogs and animals in general. He knew the name of every family member and more than 250 words. Put two words together in a way he hadn't heard before and Willy understood.In 1990 I...

SwissGear 1900 17-Inch Laptop Backpack
The Swissgear 1900 Portable Laptop Backpack Holds a 17-inch laptop and all the gear you need an office away from home.Swissgear 1900 Scansmart TSA 17-Inch Laptop Backpack Review The Swissgear 1900 makes it too easy to take your home office on the road for a day,...

Vilva Portable Laptop Monitor
The Vilva Portable Laptop Monitor Features a 15.6-inch 1080P Full HD 16:9 Display with Stereo Sound and Controls that Rival a Desktop Monitor.Vilva Portable Laptop Monitor Review The Vilva Portable Monitor Boosts Your Productivity At Home and Away ~ MJ Logan TL;DR The...

New 24kW Generac Guardian Becomes Most Powerful Generator in its Class
This home with a Generac 24kW Home Generator has Power During an Outage While the Other Homes in the Neighborhood are Dark. A Generac Home Generator Works Automatically the Moment the Power Goes Out.Generac 24kW Pushes the Limit on Air-Cooled Standby Generators A 24kW...

Do It Yourself: DIY is Worth Learning New Skills
A few tools, some safety equipment, and a little know-how put almost any project within reach of the average DIYer.Picture by E2OMedia.Do It Yourself: Learning New Skills DIY Beginners may find some new projects overwhelming. When faced with a leaky drain pipe or a...

DIY Home Repair is Important for Renters
You should probably be ready to make a few repairs if you move into this castle. Photo by Flash AlexanderDIY is Important For Renters First time renters don't usually think about making repairs. The first time they move out, they might learn that knowing how to Do It...