An Emergency Kit is just one part of an Emergency Preparedness Plan. Are You Ready?
Ready for Anything—Like a Global Virus Shutdown
You never know what life will throw at you next. Don’t be caught like a deer in the headlights. Be Prepared to act no matter what happens.
Most of us go through life and don’t even think or worry about what is for supper the next day. We know there is food in the refrigerator or freezer and grocery stores are just a few minutes away.
If we don’t feel like throwing a frozen dinner in the microwave, we can always go out to eat.
Unfortunately, life becomes very different in the days and weeks following a diaster.
Do we even need to mention COVID-19 commonly called the Novel Coronavirus (“Novel” meaning “New” and not fun.)
If you live anywhere in the United States of America, disasters are a possibility at any time of year. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Mudslides are just the top three. There is also the possibility of earthquakes and volcano eruptions. How about a Tsunami? An undersea earthquake off any one of our coastlines could send a devastating wave toward our shores.
A small group of people are doing what is called “Prepping”. They are preparing for a worst case scenario in the event that the world as we know it is turned upside down. A disease could wipe out a substantial portion of the population. Civil unrest to the point it becomes unsafe to stay in cities. Invasions. Zombies and…
WAIT. Okay. Such scenarios do have a small probability of taking place. Are they likely. Probably not. One of those prepper programs on television did show a couple preparing for a world in which disease turned humans into some sort of imagined zombie population.
What is far more likely is that some weather or geological event will force you out of your home and on the road to somewhere. Anyone who is prepared and ready will reach safety faster and easier than those who were not.
Be Prepared
It doesn’t have to mean an underground bunker in some remote location that you hurry off to in the event things start to go upside down. Not at all. Although some scenarios could warrant such a move, it’s unlikely we’ll face a Zombie Apocalypse in the near future.
Far more likely are weather or geological events that disrupt local services and leave us without shelter, electricity, food, potable water, and adequate sanitation or a way to keep warm.
Dealing with emergencies or disasters requires an orderly approach. Identify your risks, then build a plan to mitigate those risks.
Every emergency plan should include evacuation routes, food, water, shelter, and a way to keep warm. Even in relatively warm climates, if you become damp and wet, the possibility of hypothermia exists.
Ignorance is Bliss

Be Aware
The sad truth is, most people who die in a natural event probably don’t have to die. Those who do are either unprepared or didn’t see it coming, which is almost always the same as being unprepared.
Part of being prepared is staying aware of your surroundings and knowing what is going on. If you’re one of those people who change the radio station seven seconds before the song ends, you’ll never hear the warnings of an impending disaster until it is too late.
Be aware, and you’ll be better prepared than others who are not paying attention.

Be Smart
Which really means, Don’t Be Foolish. Running out to see the tornado or catch it on video—not so smart. They move faster than you expect and can reach out and grab you or send a 2 x 4 through your chest. Flying debris turns into spears or even blades that easily decapitate the unsuspecting amateur video taker.
Every hurricane that approaches land results in a few drownings in rip currents, and others who drown in inland floods.
If you want to hang out on the coast until hours before a hurricane makes landfall, you’re just playing chicken with it. Your real plan should include boarding up your property, loading the kids and essentials into the car and getting the hell out of there—before the roads are crowded with other cars and fuel becomes scarce.
What essentials will you take with you? Are you prepared to shelter in place? Do you know what that means? What about sanitation. Water. Food.
We’re going to talk a lot about preparation and planning and how you can Be Prepared without spending a whole lot of money, time, or digging underground bunkers.